As panic buyers sweep supermarket shelves of staple goods like pasta and rice, are we heading for a food shortage? Producers across the board are struggling to keep up with current demand – including farmers who with current lockdowns are finding it hard to ship their meat and vegetables to grocery stores and restaurants.
This all adds up to one thing: food shortages.
Thankfully retailers have assured consumers that there is no underlying shortages of any kind and that shelves will be replenished and that panic buying is steadily ceasing thanks to those already in lockdown having stocked up on essentials.
The main issue being tackled is on the logistics side of the production line, with a lack of air and freight travel available to get food supplies to retailers, especially fresh food. Shipments of vegetables from Africa to Europe have been disrupted and farms are being hit with labor shortages. Countries farmers are now struggling to find enough workers, which has not been helped by border closures.
So what does this all mean? Will we have to pay more for food?
Back in March wheat figures increased due to the spike in demand for bakery and pasta-based goods. Thankfully most retailers and food companies buy in bulk a few months in advance and therefore will not be affected (yet) by a potential slight rise in prices.
Researchers are telling us not to panic – there is enough food to go round! Even if the crisis continues. Wheat production is predicted to reach record level highs this year.
Want to see the statistics? Visit @Reuters